Update to 3.1
We are glad to release an update for our customers
Very Important! Please do backup your website and database before updating it!
Alert! If you make any custom changes to the code, they will be cleaned off with every update.
After the backup of your main website, please follow the below instructions stepwise
Step 1:
Unzip the downloaded zip file and extract the zip file socialite-installer.zip
Step 2:
which are located in socialite-installer, replace all the files and folders to your directory
Step 3:
In the downloaded version, Go to storage -> uploads -> settings. Copy the below mentioned three images
and paste them in the same folder of your application.
Step 4:
Now, navigate to admin panel URL directly : http://localhost/admin
login to your admin panel and click on UPDATE DATABASE
available on left side bar as last menu item. Click the red coloured button saying UPDATE NOW
to update the database.
Step 5:
Open environment settings in admin panel and add a new key called "APP_FULL_NAME" below "APP_URL".
You can mention your application name but it should be a single word without spaces, but you can use hyphen for words separation.
Example: APP_FULL_NAME=Socialite-Application
Step 6:
Open environment settings in Admin panel and add your google maps API key at the end for "GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY"
Make sure you enter correct API key for Google maps