You can add your gmail which could be easy for youRequirements
Server Requirements:
Socialite is developed on Laravel and below are the requirements needed for installation.
- PHP >= 5.6.4
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
Application Requirements:
Pusher Account
You are required to have a pusher account for real time notifications and chatbox. It is free to have a pusher account. Once the account is created, please create an app in pusher with cluster type "mt1" and add the required keys in .env file which are clearly mentioned in installation process.
Pusher account can be created here and its FREE:
Google Maps
Google maps are required for adding location while creating an event in the application. You are required to have a google maps API key for event creation
Google maps API key can be created here and its FREE:
SoundCloud Account
Soundcloud is responsible to add audio music to the posts. If the soundcloud value isn't mentioned, users can't add music to the post. So it's time to add soundcloud setting. This is responsible to add audio music to posts in the script.
SoundCloud account can be created here and its FREE:
Mail Setup
You can add your gmail which could be easy for you and FREE
Please follow the below instructions
- Please login to the gmail account which you mentioned in your environment settings
- You need to enable "less secure apps" in your gmail account. For this, open the URL: and select the option "Turn On".
- For more info about this setting, please check here:
NoCaptcha Account
Captcha settings can be set by logging to your gmail account and register your site here and its FREE:
Social Login Requirements:
Facebook Login
Here are the clear instructions to setup Facebook App for your application:
Google Login
Here are the clear instructions to setup Twitter App for your application:
Twitter Login
Here are the clear instructions to setup Twitter App for your application:
LinkedIn Login
Here are the clear instructions to setup LinkedIn for your application: